
My Socks On the Windowsill

Mommy threw my socks for some reason and they landed on the windowsill. I don't know why. Why did you do that Mom? Why did you throw my socks anyway? Then we had to figure out some different ways to get them down. First I said, "Go get a ladder." But Mom could not because she is not strong enough. We looked for the Swiffer but we couldn't find it so we decided to use a flagpole. I am still really confused about why this happened. You will think we are pretending. Like we drawed a picture and didn't really take a picture. We got the flagpole and then Mom tried standing on a chair but couldn't get it down so we had to get a hook so then Mom taped a paperclip on the flagpole and she figured out how to get it down. And I took some pictures.

This is the picture of my socks on the windowsill. It is high up so we had to figure out a way to get this stuff down.

This is Mom trying to get it down.

This is our new tool that we pulled it down with. Scneeble-needle-puller-downer is the name of it!

Mom got it down then.


~ The Coleman 5 said...

Madison and I love your blog! Keep telling us what you and your family are doing.

Anonymous said...

Dear Cole,
First of all, I love your blog. I am really glad I am going to get to read about all your cool ideas and see your pictures.

Second of all, I think I may need to borrow that scneeble-needle-puller-downer... can you send it to Tennessee? We have some balloons stuck way up high in our very big oak tree outside our front door, and they need to come down. I wish I could climb the tree to get it down because I love to climb trees, but I can't do that now because my back hurts sometimes and I wouldn't want it to hurt more.

So, keep on writing and I will keep on reading!
